Non-dulling, Multi-use Floor finish
This easy to maintain floor finish can be buffed and restored like a wax, but contains no wax and is not slippery like wax. It applies easily and smoothly and dries quickly to a gloss without polishing. When, after heavy traffic it begins to show wear, light buffing restores its appearance.
- Balanced Hardness: Hard and tough enough to resist scuffing from heavy traffic, but responds to dry buffing, and is an excellent base for spray buffing.
- Easy Application: Every coat goes down effortlessly and smoothly with no mop drag.
- Slip Resistant: Meets ASTM standards with James slip test machine.
- Self Polishing: Dries to a high gloss without buffing and holds its gloss under traffic.
- Metal Interlock: In spite of its resistance to water and detergents, Durapol can be easily removed with its companion stripper when desired.